
STAGE4CHANGE II - acting for tomorrow is a Theater free training short course, aimed at any person over 18 years old, non-professionals and integrated into PERFORM4CHANGE project.

Integrating the playful aspect with learning focused on practice, we intended to stimulate the experience of the performing arts activities as well as fostering moments of sharing and discussion on environmental issues, related to climate change.

Using Theater as a backbone and climatic changes as a central subject, we also included a session exclusively dedicated to Movement. To approach the theme of Climate Change, we had a Green Walk, a session exclusively dedicated to Climate Changes and a Escape Room based on the subject.

To finish the workshop we ended with a public presentation.


In this workshop, participants prepared a performing arts presentation. In the process, participants developed soft/civic skills such as verbal and non-verbal communication, interaction, argumentation, exposure, socialisation, empathy, self-confidence and self-esteem that directly contribute to the understanding and respect of European values. Climate change (awareness raising and reachable actions at personal/institutional level for its mitigation) is the topic that's fomented the discussion and promote the creative process.

Final Presentation

Following the same line as the previous edition, this final presentation integrated the various skills developed throughout the workshop.

The future is green or it won't be (O futuro é verde ou não será) is a work of theater, movement, image and message. Punctuated by the hands of the clock that remind us that time doesn't stop. Punctuated by absurdity - always it! always the same absurdity(ies) that remind us that it is absurd not to act.