The Project

Benefiting from an international context, this project aims at providing local adult learners with tools to improve their soft/transversal skills through performing arts practices, contributing to their civic engagement and participation and preparedness to discuss European common values and Climate Change awareness.

It is intended for the community, which will collectively participate in the creation of artistic products in a non-formal/informal learning process (of decision making, active engagement and reflection, ability to build an opinion, critical consideration of different viewpoints) that enhances the European values of human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, rule of law and respect for human rights; the motto for the creation/learning process is an issue of public concern – Climate Change.

As a result, by the end of the project, adults should have improved their civic/soft skills, namely concerning critical thinking, creativity and the ability to work in a team.

We also aim at contributing to change the attitudes and influence personal behavior concerning Climate Change.

As a public performative result, the project will deliver 6 public performances that are the result of the collaborative art processes and transformative learning’s of all participating members (professionals/teachers; community/learners).

By exchanging good practices we expect to reach new training formats that benefit from the experience of all institutions and their background, their identities and processes and the production of a Good Practice’s Handbook.