
In present times, citizen’s levels of social and political participation are at an historic low across Europe. There is mistrust on political organisations and institutions, including the EU, especially due to the lack of knowledge about them, and limited engagement in communities political and social life.

At the same time, “the rapid shift towards a climate neutral Europe and digital transformation is changing the way we work, learn, take part in society and lead our everyday lives”, challenges that have been increased by the Covid 19 pandemic (European Skills Agenda).

The development of social and civic competences, as described by the Lifelong Learning Platform is, therefore, urgent.

woman in black jacket holding white printer paper
woman in black jacket holding white printer paper

Our mission

In line with European Skills Agenda, PERFORM4CHANGE aims at supporting (non-formal) adult learning on Skills for Life on issues such as civic competences and environmental literacy, through their participation in performing arts workshops.

It is well known that participants in performing arts develop competences of communication, creativity/imagination, abstract thinking, social interaction, team work, active listening, dealing with difference, emotional intelligence and empathy, confidence and self-esteem and learning by mistake, to name a few. In an international setup, they also develop intercultural competences.

These are essential skills that improve personal and social fulfilment and professional lives/sustainable careers and contribute to active citizenship and social cohesion, in line with SGD 16 (“ensure responsible, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels”).

Our vision

In PERFORM4CHANGE, we endure the community theatre/dance methodologies, which “involve learners actively in their own learning” (Lifelong Learning Platform) - adult learners are an active part of the creation/learning process (for a public presentation).

It is in the community that people acquire their most fundamental and substantial social life experiences and in the collaboration between artists and community, the last inspires the first and the creation builds up on the knowledge and experience of all participants alike.

PERFORM4CHANGE will use Climate Change as motto for the performing arts creations/workshops/community engagement. As a global issue, the international context of the project will contribute to the richness of the discussion.

a group of people holding hands on top of a tree
a group of people holding hands on top of a tree