Italian Mobility

With the aim of sharing experiences and mutual knowledge between the partners, the PERFOR4CHANGE Project contemplates the possibility of two trainers from each entity traveling to the workplace of each of the partners and, for 5 days, being included in the city, in the entity and the work carried out by the host entity.

Mobility Agenda

Date 06/06/2023

Association headquarter

Timetable: 18,30 - 22,30

Activity: 18,30 -19,30 Welcoming and getting to know the work space | 19,30 - 22,30 Participation in the cross-cultural theatre workshop Human Beings: melting/kicking, games, study, improvisation, creation.

Date 7/06/2023

Association headquarter

Timetable: 19,00 - 22,30

Activity: Participation in the cross-cultural theatre workshop Human Beings: melting/kicking, games, study, improvisation, creation.

Date 8/06/2023

Old town

Timetable: 11- 15

Activity: 11 - 13 Guided city tour - discovering Perugia | 13 Lunch in a typical restaurant in the old town

Date 8/06/2023

Association headquarter

Timetable: 18 - 22,00

Activity: 18,30 - 20,00 Kirenia Danza workshop | 20,30 - 22,00 NAPALM workshop

Date 9/06/2023

Association headquarter

Timetable: 19,00 - 22,30

Activity: Participation in the cross-cultural theatre workshop Human Beings: melting/kicking, games, study, improvisation, creation.

Date 10/06/2023

Association headquarter

Timetable: 18 - 23

Activity: 18 - 19,30 Reflection on the activities carried out and the next steps of the project. | 20 - 21,15 A screening of a performance by the intercultural theatre workshop Human Beings. | 21,30 - 23 Intercultural dinner together with Human Beings workshop participants and party!